What is Literacy?

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2021 Fact Finder
US Census Bureau Hall County Population - 207,369
Percent of High school graduates - 79.2
Adults 25 years and older without a high school diploma or GED - 20.8%
Number of Adult Education students served by program to date is over 5,700 with almost 5,800 GED's attained

Jobs Forecast
By 2024, 90% of jobs in Georgia will require at least a high school diploma or equivalent (such as the GED credential).

Progress Assessment
Since the Alliance joined the Certified Literate Community Program in 1994, the percentage of adults without a high school diploma in Hall County has decreased from 35% to 22%.
The National Literacy Act defines literacy as: 
An individual's ability to read, write and speak English; To compute and solve problems at levels of proficiency necessary to function on the job and in society; To achieve one's goals and develop one's knowledge and potential.

​Literacy is not the end product, but a means to a better life for each person, and that person's family, employer, and the community in which that person lives
Alliance For Literacy
How Literacy Affects Our Economy

The Alliance is a United Way funded Agency.